
Attribution Help

Wildwinds. Great site for for attributing coins. It has a partial legend search engine. Just type the letters you can make out, and it will show you the possible matches in the database.

The Roman Coin Attribution Toolkit Provided by FORVM ANCIENT COINS. Another useful site. It has a Legend search engine, as well as example of obverse bust types, reverse types, mintmark info, and links to tons of other useful info.

Portrait Styles on Roman Imperial Coinage Another excellent site, with bust type examples!!

Dirty Old Coins Emperor lists, excellent obverse legend search engine, maps, timelines...a must see site!!!

ABBREVIATIONS ON ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS One of Doug Smiths helpful sites explaining the common abbreviations seen on Roman coinage

HELVETICA"S RIC LISTS Dane Kurth's (Helvitica) award winning website which contains dozens of free and easy to use RIC (and other) lists in Excel format, all using drop down columns, to assist people in IDing their Roman coins. The lists cover just about every type of common bronze and billon coin from RIC V onwards and the lists are constantly updated. They are an incredible undertaking and an invaluable resource, please make use of them and be sure to thank Helivitica! Click HERE to visit  her site (link will open in a new window)

MONETA Moneta is a FANTASTIC program for cataloging your collection. It has a searchable database of obverse and reverse inscriptions, mintmarks, and tons of historical information. It is well worth the expense. It even helps date your coin. Do yourself a favor and pick it up ASAP. I wish I hadn't waited so long to buy it for myself.

Helpful Info, Forums and e-mail lists

Ancient Peddler A Yahoo group of fun folks, with varied interest, who love ancient coins! They host a LIVE auction every Sunday at 2:00 PM est. Be there or be square. WHAT!!! your not a member!!! Well click the link and join!!

Coinzappers. A Yahoo group dedicated to the art of zapping coins. Electrolysis and other alternative measure of cleaning the "crusties" are discussed.

Uncleaned Ancient Coins This list group will discuss the the methods of cleaning the coins found in the uncleaned ancient coin lots that are sold online. The discussion includes the cleaning and restoration of all ancient coin types, including ancient Roman, ancient Greek, ancient Chinese cash, Islamic, Byzantine, Celtic, and the coins of other non-classical societies.

FORVM`s Classical Numismatics Discussion Board FORVM ANCIENT COINS' excellent discussion board. Incredible amounts of useful info is shared in this lively, and friendly board. Please join ASAP. Check out their catalog of coin offerings as well. Worth the click!

FORVM ANCIENT COINS HOMEPAGE  FORVM's Collector Resources  Home Brought to you by Vcoins. Excellent place for links to other coin related sites, a forum ,and many interesting article, a must click link! Also the very kind and generous host of this little website!! BIG THANKS!!!

Ancient Coin Vault This site has it all, forums, auctions, coins, supplies. The list goes on! It has excellent gallery of member coins to browse through I could tell you more, but you should just go there and see for your self!!.

Cool Places To Buy Stuff!!

Common Bronze "A few not so common, a little silver, and one gold." Tom Ross and Tony Jaworski's site. These guys specialize in the things the uncleaned coin collector needs. Of special note is their tungsten cleaning picks, the thing is unbelievable! Stop by today and check it out!! Do it now!!!

Southern California Coins A good place for ancient coins as well as US coinage. Great prices, excellent coins, and best of all, Brett is a friendly and knowledgeable dealer. A must click!!........... Well!? What are you waiting for click the link!!!

Noble Roman Coins Yet another excellent dealer for uncleaned and cleaned coins. Also a great source for cleaning supplies. They have this Diamond dusted dental pick that works wonders!! Worth every penny.

Vcoins A kind of internet mall. One place with access to dozens of coin dealers. The search functions lets you search all the stores at the same time, very cool!! Brought to you by the fine folks at

Brent-Krueger Coin Supply Great place to buy storage supplies. They have SAFLIP coin flips, my personal favorite. They also have tons of other coin storage and handling supplies. Nice place.

Cool Sites I Just Like (So you better check 'em out!!)

Ancient Coins for Education . (ACE) was established in 2001 as a registered non-profit organization to encourage learning about Classical (Greek, Roman, and Byzantine) history through the use of ancient numismatics. ACE provides coins to students for their study and attribution with the help of online and computer resources. ACE opens the door to future ancient coin collectors, and is worthy of your support. Click the link to learn more.

THE HOME OF AURELIAN AND OTHER EMPERORS Tom Ross' site devoted to Aurelian, coinzapping, and tons of other stuff. Lots off stuff to see, so you better get started!!

Jerry Jones Ancient Coin Collecting Blog Jerry is the founder of the Ancient Peddler and Coinzappers yahoo groups. Jerry shares his unique artists perspective on the ancient coin collecting hobby. Visit today!

Garage Action Online Bob Brinsfields fun site. It shows off his collection of Constantinian BEATA TRAQVILITAS reverse types. Lots of other stuff worth checking out

Harry Stewart Harry's collection of Greek, Provincial, Roman, Byzantine and Celtic coins. Harry knows coins!! Cover you keyboard while your there. You may drool on it!!

Brett's Collections Of Ancients Brett Telford's still under construction website. Keep your eye on this site. It will be awesome when he gets it done!! Brett's collection of 12 Caesars is worth the visit.

Dad's Coins. Keith Palmers website. It explores "One Dad's journey to understanding numismatics" It features Roman Imperial coins, Hammered coins, and Milled coins. Something for everybody, and a nicely designed site.....Click the link...CLICK IT!!!

Ernest Thompson's Julia Domna Site. A excellent site with loads of information son the ancient Roman hottie, Julia Domna. Historical facts, geneaology, coins inscriptions, and mint information. Also photos of Ernies collection. Well worth the visit!!

Doug Smiths Coin View Pack a lunch when you go here. Lots and lots to see and learn!! Articles on just about any coin subject you can thinks of. Abxzone is a computer related discussion board. It's one of the friendliest boards on the internet. If you are having a problem, these guys will help, and not make you feel like an idiot!! Don' have a computer problem, hit the Open Chat Zone, lots of fun stuff!!

Ancient Coins - Find Roman and Greek Ancient Coins at FelTempReparatio Ancient Coins.

There are lots of great sites out on the web, there is no way I could post all of the ones I have found. The sites I have listed will lead you to other great sites, and those sites to more yet!! If you would like a link on this page, just e-mail me.

If for some strange reason you want to link to my site, please do. Just let me know so I can link back to you!!

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